React front-end and DRF REST API for rating films


Front-end was built using React, NextJS and TypeScript. A REST API to store watchlists and ratings was built using Django and Django REST Framework (DRF), with external data fetched using OMDb API. React testing was used for unit tests and snapshots, and Django testing for API unit testing. Docker and Docker-Compose was used to containerise the project.

React, NextJS, TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Django, DRF, Docker, Docker-Compose, Jenkins, Linux, Git

REST API for DIY kit inventory manager


A REST API was built using Django and Django REST Framework (DRF), to provide back-end functionality and a front-end web browsable API. Jenkins was used to automate CI/CD, using Cucumber for acceptance testing and Ansible for deploying on to their private Raspberry Pi server running Ubuntu, using Docker and Docker-Compose.

Python, Django, DRF, Docker, Docker-Compose, Jenkins, Cucumber, Ansible, Raspberry Pi, Linux, Git

Amazon PDF converter for thermal printers


A back-end was built using Python and Flask to accept user registration and log-in; PDF processing on the server; and SocketIO to display file progress.

Python, Flask, Socket.IO, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Linux

Irrigation controller


The system was programmed using C++ and an ESP8266 was utilised to interface with an 8-way relay board to power the irrigation solenoid valves. Platform.IO was used to facilitate debugging and deployment.

C++, ESP8266, Arduino, PlatformIO